Planting and growing with a Topsy Turvy is Easy and Fun.
  See how one of our customers did it. 
Insert plant from bottom (see instuctions booklet)    add soil 1/3 of way up, then diffusion ring    add soil another 1/3 of way
1. Insert plant from bottom
 2. Add soil, then diffusion ring  3. Add more soil
insert another diffusion ring fill remainder with soil Hang in permanent location (deck, tree, house, our our gro-pole, this stand custom designed by customer)
 4. Insert another diffusion ring  5. Fill remainder with soil
 6. Hang in permanent location
water & fertilize after hanging in final location ( gets heavy after watering) fertilize and water as needed ( tomatos are 85% water and need lots of water and fertilizer to grow
 7. Water & fertilize 8.Fertilize and water as needed
9. Watch them grow!